Xpert Highscore 2.0 - Software para procesamiento de rayos X

Xpert Highscore 2.0 - Software para procesamiento de rayos X

Xpert Highscore es el software idóneo para el procesamiento de difractogramas de rayos X en polvo (XRD) en diversas muestras como polímeros, aleaciones, metales y demás compuestos. Permite diferenciar las reflexiones y los espaciamientos d y demás parámetros contenidos en un difractograma.

Reseña del programa (en Idioma original):

HighScore is the ideal tool for XRD phase identification, semi-quantitative analysis, cluster analysis, pattern treatment and graphics. It contains many supporting functions to evaluate XRD data. XRDML, ASCII and binary scan file formats of all major suppliers are supported.
The powerful search-match algorithm in HighScore combines peak and net profile data in a single search step, which usually produces the most reliable results.

On demand you can use peak or profile data individually or instantly re-score the existing candidates list based on whatever input you prefer. Auto-residue scoring is the best choice for tackling difficult multi-phase problems. After accepting one phase the remaining candidates are automatically scored against the still unexplained regions of the diffractogram. This allows completely automatic phase identifications.

HighScore now simultaneously supports multiple reference databases. You can search through inorganic and organic databases in one go. User-owned reference data is kept strictly separate from commercial databases. All types of reference databases, from actual to legacy, from premium-quality ICDD products over mid-priced solutions to free downloadable databases are supported. Cluster analysis automatically sorts all scans of an experiment into closely related clusters and marks the most representative scan of each cluster, as well as outliers. This is useful for non-ambient experiments, mining samples and soil mapping, and to monitor the uniformity of industrial products. HighScore can process up to 50 scans simultaneously per cluster analysis.

Requisitos del sistema:

Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 o posterior, Windows 2000 (SP1-SP4), XP (SP1, SP2 y SP3), Windows Vista (todas las ediciones), Windows 7, 8 y 8.1 (todas las ediciones de 32 y 64 bits)
1 GHz de procesador
512 Mb a 1 Gb de RAM
250-500 MB de espacio libre en disco duro
Unidad de CD-ROM/DVD/Bluray

¿Que contiene el paquete?:

Instalador de Xpert Highscore 2.0a. No se necesita de activador o serial para poner a funcionar el programa. Seguir instrucciones en pantalla.

De Yapa:  Xpert Data Viewer (solo visualizador de difractogramas)


Descargar Xpert Highscore (para procesar) (90 Mb):

Descargar folleto informativo manual (5 Mb):

Descargar Xpert Visualizador (25 Mb):

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