La aplicación ACD Labs NMR Processor 6.0 permite gestionar todo lo relacionado en cuanto al manejo y tratamiento de los datos proveidos por los equipos de resonancia magnética nuclear ideal, siendo el Software o aplicativo ideal para profesores y estudiantes (de último año de pregrado y de postgrado en Química y áreas afines) que realicen investigación en donde requieran identificar los compuestos sintetizados o extraídos mediante RMN.
En lo personal, recomiendo ACD Labs por su intuitiva interfaz, facilidad de uso, y por todas las funcionalidades incluidas.
- Provides tools for basic spectral manipulations such as Fourier Transform, weighting functions, manual and automated phase correction, baseline correction, and calibration
- Supports import of FID and FT data from all major spectrometer vendor formats including Bruker, Varian, and JEOL (see the full list below)
- Attach structures to spectra and easily assign correlations by clicking and dragging from atom to spectral peak
- Handle spectral series, synchronize spectra, and add or subtract two spectra
- Macro capabilities including templates and macro organizer for completely automated data processing
- Process NMR data and manipulate spectra remote from the instrument
- Obtain clear, concise, and consistent reports of NMR data for publication/reporting
- Reduce the burden of 2D NMR verification and evaluation
Full List of Features
- ACD/NMR Processor includes 1D and 2D NMR processing capabilities and ACD/ChemSketch
- Automatically obtain summary information when importing complex vendor formats using multiple directories
- Preview spectra for import/export
- Full audit trail feature (History) tracks all applied processing commands
- Macro capabilities including templates and macro organizer for completely automated data processing
- Carry out basic spectral manipulations such as Fourier Transform, weighting functions, manual and automated phase correction, baseline correction, and calibration
- Apply manual and automated peak picking and integration
- Data can be displayed as intensity or contour plots
- Apply Magnitude spectrum, Power spectrum, and Symmetrization commands
- Suppress the diagonal in homonuclear experiments
- Merge multiplets
- Apply Transpose spectrum and Reverse spectrum commands
- Apply color-coded gridlines
- Peak picking gridlines can be transferred from one spectrum to another
- Remove t1 noise with differential scaling, or edit the spectrum automatically or manually
- View individual slices and 3D projections; simultaneously view and manipulate the spectrum in 3D
- Save any cross-section (sum of cross-sections) as a 1D spectrum
- Attach 1D spectra to the 2D spectrum
- Attach a chemical structure and additional data to the spectrum
- Annotate signals and spectral regions
- Assign diagonal and cross-peaks to any atom or portion of a chemical structure manually or automatically
- Create a 2D spectrum from a set of chemical shifts and couplings
- Set the display mode for each dimension independently (view F1 or F2 in phase-sensitive, magnitude, or power mode)
- View multiple spectra in Tile or Replace modes
- Synchronize axes in multiple window display
- Cut and paste into other applications with high resolution
- Add and subtract two spectra
- Print spectra and create reports with ACD/ChemSketch
2. Requisitos del sistema
Sistemas operativos soportados de forma nativa:
Windows 7 SP1 (todas las ediciones, 32 y 64 bits)
Windows 8 (todas las ediciones de 32 y 64 bits)
Windows 8.1, 8.1 Pro y 8.1 Pro con media center (todas las ediciones, 32 y 64 bits)
Windows 10 Home/Professional/Education/Single Language (32 y 64 bits)
Windows 11 Home/Professional/Education/Single Language (32 y 64 bits)
Idioma: Inglés
Memoria RAM: 1 Gb en adelante en sistemas de 32 bits y 2 Gb en sistemas de 64 bits
Procesador: Intel Core i3 en adelante, 1 GHz o superior (doble núcleo). Para sistemas Apple de 2020 se admite con chip M1
Navegadores Web: Firefox 50+, Chrome 30+
Versión de Office requeridas: 2013, 2016, 2019 y 365
Espacio libre en disco: 10 Gb mínimo
- Instaladores individuales del ACD Labs 6.0 Network edition para Windows
Nota: no se requiere de serial de activación al ser una suite estudiantil
ResponderBorrarChemDraw Mac 20.1
hola, podrían subir de nuevo el chemdraw 20.1 para mac?
ResponderBorrarHola! son muy útiles todos tus aportes. Se podrá postear el enlace de ACD labs para simular espectros para Mac por favor?
ResponderBorrarMuchas gracias!!!
Amigo, agradezco todo el contenido que nos traes me es demasiado útil.
ResponderBorrarPero me gustaría pedirte que de favor si puedes subirlos a otra nube (mediafire por ejemplo), puesto que considero que mega es muy tedioso por el hecho del limite del ancho de banda.
Nuevamente gracias