Libros de Química Orgánica Experimental

Libros de Química Orgánica Experimental

Esta es una recopilación de libros de Química Orgánica Experimental, idóneos para el trabajo en campo, para la separación, caracterización, purificación y elucidación de compuestos orgánicos sintetizados. Cada uno de estos ejemplares trae métodos y procedimientos dedicados y reproducibles a escala experimental. Libros de Química Orgánic

Identificación Sistemática de compuestos orgánicos
Ralph Shriner (Español e Inglés)

Descripción: A lo largo del libro se explican paso a paso las técnicas de identificación de compuestos orgánicos. Se consideran temas como análisis elemental, pureza, propiedades físicas, separación y destilación, cromatografía y espectrometría

Descripción: First written in 1935, Shriner remains a classic text in the field. Coauthor Christine Hermann has introduced modern methods and topics and completely updated the illustration and photo program. The book is ideal for the Advanced Organic Lab and for Spectroscopy courses.


Chapter 1. Introduction. Chapter 2. Identification of Unknowns. Chapter 3. Preliminary Examination, Physical Properties, and Elemental Analysis. Chapter 4. Separation of Mixtures. Chapter 5. Classification of Organic Compounds by Solubility. Chapter 6. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry. Chapter 7. Infrared Spectrometry.Chapter 8. Mass Spectrometry. Chapter 9. Chemical Tests for Functional Groups.Chapter 10. The Preparation of Derivatives.Chapter 11. Structural Problems—Solution Methods and Exercises. Chapter 12. Chemical Literature.Appendix I. Handy Tables for the Organic Laboratory.Appendix II. Tables of Derivatives.Appendix III. Equipment and Chemicals for the Laboratory.Index.

Vogel's Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry

Descripción: Most widely used, established and respected reference manual for the organic chemistry laboratory. Incorporates new reactions and techniques now available to the organic chemist. Complete, comprehensive coverage of the subject in one volume.

This edition includes additional material on the structural and theoretical principles required when designing a synthesis. Includes recent developments in reaction techniques. Disconnection or synthon approach now integrated into the text.

Over 100 new experiments illustrate the use of modern reagents and techniques and the operation of protection, selectivity and control in synthesis. More detailed treatment of carbon -13 NMR spectroscopy and the interpretation of spectroscopic data for many of the synthesized compounds.


1. Organic synthesis 2. Experimental techniques.3. Spectroscopic methods.4. Solvents and reagents.5. Aliphatic compounds.6. Aromatic compounds.7. Selected alicyclic compounds.8. Selected heterocyclic compounds.9. Investigation and characterisation of organic compounds.10. Physical constants of organic compounds.

Química Orgánica 
Fundamentos Prácticos para el Laboratorio
Lydia Galagovsky 

Descripción: Este libro responde a la necesidad de proveer a los alumnos de la bibliografía pertinente en castellano y se presenta como una necesaria síntesis entre los textos que exceden los requerimientos de los cursos básicos y aquellos que sólo tratan temas específicos. La división de los capítulos en secciones teóricas y experimentales persigue la simplificación del acceso de los estudiantes a la información necesaria para los cursos que se siguen en las facultades de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Agronomía y otras afines, y en escuelas secundarias técnicas con orientación en química

Techniques in Organic Chemistry
Jerry Mohrig


Techniques in Organic Chemistry is the most comprehensive presentation of lab techniques available for organic chemistry students—and the least expensive. This book is intended to serve as a laboratory textbook of experimental techniques for all students of organic chemistry.  It is written to provide effective support for guided-inquiry and design-based experiments and projects, as well as for traditional lab experiments. Techniques in Organic Chemistry combines specific instructions for 3 different kinds of laboratory glassware (miniscale, standard-taper microscale, Williamson microscale). It offers extensive coverage of spectroscopic techniques and a strong emphasis on safety issues. It can be used in conjunction with any lab experiments to provide the background and skills necessary for mastering the organic chemistry laboratory.   

Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments
Kenneth L. Williamson, Katherine M. Masters

Descripción: The market leader for the full-year organic laboratory, this manual derives many experiments and procedures from the classic Feiser lab text, giving it an unsurpassed reputation for solid, authoritative content.

Organic Experiments
Louis F. Fieser, Kenneth L. Williamson

Descripción: Organic Experiments, Seventh Edition, presents to the beginning student a series of clear and concise experiments that encourage accurate observation and the development of deductive reasoning. New to this edition is the section at the end of every experiment entitled "Cleaning Up," which has been written with the intent of focusing students' attention not just on the desired product from a reaction, but also on all of the other substances produced in a typical organic reaction. Throughout the text most, but not all, of the 60 and 90 MHz nmr spectra have been replaced with 250 MHz proton spectra. A section on 2D nmr is included in the chapter on nmr spectroscopy, and procedures are given for the use of chiral nmr shift reagents to determine the optical purity of the product from the chiral enzymatic reduction of a ketone. A number of small changes have been made so that Organic Experiments reflects the very latest and best of organic chemistry. Nomenclature revision is a continuous process. Gradually names such as isoamyl alcohol are being replaced by their IUPAC equivalents, but slavish adherence to those rules is not followed; phenol is still phenol (and not benzenol). As a coauthor of Prudent Practices for the Disposal of Chemicals from Laboratories, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1983, I have continued to follow closely the rapidly evolving regulatory climate and changes in laboratory safety rules and regulations. The safety information in this text is as current as it can be, but this is a rapidly changing area of
chemistry; local rules and regulations must be known and adhered to.

Microscale Organic Laboratory: with Multistep and Multiscale Syntheses
Dana W. Mayo, Ronald M. Pike, David C. Forbes, Nicholas E. Leadbeater

Descripción: This is a laboratory text for the mainstream organic chemistry course taught at both two and four year schools, featuring both microscale experiments and options for scaling up appropriate experiments for use in the macroscale lab. It provides complete coverage of organic laboratory experiments and techniques with a strong emphasis on modern laboratory instrumentation, a sharp focus on safety in the lab, excellent pre- and post-lab exercises, and multi-step experiments. Notable enhancements to this new edition include inquiry-driven experimentation, validation of the purification process, and the implementation of greener processes (including microwave use) to perform traditional experimentation.

Experimental Organic Chemistry. Laboratory Manual
Joaquín Isac-García, José A. Dobado, Henar Martínez-García

Descripción: Experimental Organic Chemistry: Laboratory Manual is designed as a primer to initiate students in Organic Chemistry laboratory work. Organic Chemistry is an eminently experimental science that is based on a well-established theoretical framework where the basic aspects are well established but at the same time are under constant development. Therefore, it is essential for future professionals to develop a strong background in the laboratory as soon as possible, forming good habits from the outset and developing the necessary skills to address the challenges of the experimental work.

This book is divided into three parts. In the first, safety issues in laboratories are addressed, offering tips for keeping laboratory notebooks. In the second, the material, the main basic laboratory procedures, preparation of samples for different spectroscopic techniques, Microscale, Green Chemistry, and qualitative organic analysis are described. The third part consists of a collection of 84 experiments, divided into 5 modules and arranged according to complexity. The last two chapters are devoted to the practices at Microscale Synthesis and Green Chemistry, seeking alternatives to traditional Organic Chemistry.

The Synthetic Organic Chemist's Companion
Michael C. Pirrung

Descripción: The Organic Chemists' Companion provides a practical, hands-on resource for students and practitioners of organic synthesis. It presents the fundamentals and guides the reader through the entire process of organic synthesis. It includes basic instructions on everything from on handling reagents, gases, and solvents to conducting and working up/purifying reactions as well as applying analytical techniques to identify the reaction product.* Packed with data and practical tips and organized for quick reference* Includes guidelines for literature searches to help readers find additional information* Features colour photos, drawings, charts, graphs, and tables to complement the information* Includes real-life examples showing how to apply the information.

The Chemist's Companion: A Handbook of Practical Data, Techniques, and References
Arnold Gordon


Here in one source is a wide variety of practical, everydayinformation often required by chemists but seldom found together,if at all, in the standard handbooks, data collections, manuals,and other usual sources. Discussing physical, chemical, andmechanical properties of substances and systems, the authors answersuch questions as:
* How do I test for and destroy peroxides in different solventsand what is the best way to purify such solvents?
* What are the structure, physical properties, and recentreferences to the use of common-name solvents and solvent aids suchas the "Skellysolves," "Cellosolves," "Crownanes," and"Glymes"?
* What is the utility of a particular molecular sieve, orpermeation gel, or epoxy cement, or liquid crystal, and where do Ibuy them and find references to their application?
The book is divided into nine chapters and covers properties ofatoms and molecules, spectroscopy, photochemistry, chromatography,kinetics and thermodynamics, various experimental techniques, andmathematical and numerical information, including the definitions,values, and usage rules of the newly adopted International Systemof Units (SI Units). A section on statistical treatment of datawhich provides an actual least-squares computer program is alsoincluded. In the spectroscopy chapter, very extensive andup-to-date collections of spectral correlation data are presentedfor ir, uv-vis, optical rotation, nmr, and mass spectra, along withdata on esr and nqr spectroscopy. Also included is a variety ofhard-to-classify but frequently sought information, such as namesand addresses of microanalysis companies and chemistry publishers,descriptions and commercial sources of atomic and molecular models,and safety data for hazardous chemicals. More than 500 keyreferences are also included, most of which are recent. There areimportant hints and definitions associated with the art as well asthe state of the art for the appropriate subjects. Also foundthroughout the book are about 250 suppliers and directions forobtaining special booklets or other material.

Containing a wealth of useful information, The Chemist'sCompanion will be an indispensable guide for students andprofessional chemists in nearly all the chemical disciplines. Inaddition, it will provide for the teacher and student an unusualadjunct for use in a broad cross-section of chemistry courses.

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