Libros sobre espectrometría de masas

Libros sobre espectrometría de masas

Esta es una recopilación de libros de Espectrometría de masas, idóneos para estudiantes de últimos semestres de Química, Licenciatura en Química y Tecnología Química.

Esta técnica es de gran utilidad en especial para el Químico Orgánico que realiza síntesis, y también para investigadores que deseen elucidar las estructuras de los compuestos obtenidos, sin embargo por si sola no otorga tanta información, es por ello que se usa en conjunto con resonancia magnética nuclear y espectroscopía de infrarrojo.

Nota: en lo posible, algunos de los libros clasificados por autor podrían ir acompañados de su solucionario o manual de soluciones. Al final se encuentra el enlace de descarga de todos los ejemplares. 

Libros de Espectrometría de Masas

La Espectrometría de masas en imágenes
Luis Esteban

Interesante libro, que de manera gráfica explica muy bien esta técnica, desde las fuentes, los tipos de analizadores, las fragmentaciones que ocurren, sus ventajas y desventajas frente al análisis

Mass spectrometry: a textbook 
Jurgen H. Gross

Descripción: Mass spectrometry today is an indispensable tool in chemistry and life sciences. "Mass Spectrometry - A Textbook" is tailored for students and professionals as well as novices to mass spectrometry from other fields. This book will guide them from their first steps to the successful application of mass spectrometry in their daily work in research. Starting from the very principles of gas phase ion chemistry and isotopic properties, it leads through the design of mass analyzers and ionization methods in use to mass spectral interpretation and coupling techniques. Step by step the readers will understand how mass spectrometry works and what it can do as a powerful tool in their hands. The book comprises a balanced mixture of practice-oriented information and theoretical background. The clear layout, a wealth of high quality figures, and a database of exercises and solutions, freely accessible on the internet, support the reader's understanding.

Interpretación de los espectros de masas (En Inglés)
Fred McLafferty

Descripción: Extensively revised and updated, this new edition, as in previous editions, emphasizes the point that the most important part of learning how to interpret unknown mass spectra is to practice interpreting mass spectra. The book aims at correlating ion dissociation mecanisms on a much broader scale, with the emphasis on basic attributes such as ionization energies, proton affinities and bond dissociation energies. The authors also tried to show how these mechanisms are applicable to the unimolecular dissociations of ions formed by any ionization method, including the new methods for obtaining mass spectra of large molecules.

Spectrometric Identification of organic compounds
7th Edition
Robert M. Silverstein, Francis X. Webster, David Kiemle 

Description: Originally published in 1962, this was the first book to explore teh identification of organic compounds using spectroscopy. It provides a thorough introduction to the three areas of spectrometry most widely used in spectrometric identification: mass spectrometry, infrared spectrometry, and nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometry. A how-to, hands-on teaching manual with considerably expanded NMR coverage–NMR spectra can now be intrepreted in exquisite detail.

This book:
* Uses a problem-solving approach with extensive reference charts and tables.
* Offers an extensive set of real-data problems offers a challenge to the practicing chemist


Chapter 1. Mass Spectrometry.
Chapter 2. Infrared Spectrometry.
Chapter 3. Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry.
Chapter 4. Carbon-13 NMR Spectrometry.
Chapter 5. Correlation NMR Spectrometry; 2-D NMR.
Chapter 6. NMR Spectrometry of Other Important Spin 1/2 Nuclei.
Chapter 7. Solved Problems.
Chapter 8. Assigned Problems.

Understanding mass spectra Second Edition: A basic Approach 
R. Martin Smith

Descripción (en inglés): Understanding Mass Spectra: A Basic Approach, Second Edition combines coverage of the principles underlying mass spectral analysis with clear guidelines on how to apply them in a laboratory setting. Completely revised from the first edition, an updated and unified approach to mass spectral interpretation emphasizes the application of basic principles from undergraduate organic, analytical, and physical chemistry courses.

A detailed overview of theory and instrumentation, this useful guide contains step-by-step descriptions of interpretative strategies and convenient lists and tables detailing the information needed to solve unknowns. Other features include real-world case studies and examples, skill-building problems with clearly explained answers, and easy-to-follow explanations of the important mathematical derivations.

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